Writing this blogs/news entries or what ever you want to call them is a neat way of me being able to convey out to my profile what's happening in terms of the output that you all have access to but in a sort of therapy gives me the chance to sort of ramble and perhaps vent a little its a nice relationship with my inner monologue.
Back in lockdown of last year I started experimenting with my hobbies, model railways was one - buying and selling and that was fun to keep busy and bring in some extra cash - ya know? because I'm a geeky nerd and that's just who I am. At the end of the day it was law in the UK to stay at home and a soul crushing time for musicians because we couldn't go out anywhere. Pair that with the fact everyone else in the family was locked in with me and things like recording go out the window pretty fast in a sort of mutual understanding that we respect each others time, space, peace etc. So its the holy grail for us as well as we can accept that we have to have lazy days, no music done today? well its law that we cant and you accept that pretty quickly and be able to doodle in the meantime, make the notes and the lyrics and hope to put that into production another day which leads hobbies and ideas to come into play as you sort of experiment with yourself on the journey to further find out who you are.
Back in January last year I and a few friends started toying with the idea of becoming developers for a game I used to play which was a train simulator, I can't record music? but I can do audio treatment and instigate sonic design in a 3d environment and yeah I told myself that this would be my full time job - ditch my real job that I was on the furlough scheme for (government wage support for those ordered to stay at home) and when the world opens up I'd find myself in the position of working when I wanted to work and have full control over my life and be able to finally put music at a 50/50 front. Create, write, record, perform as equals however its been so long and no money has returned and its sort of an embarrassing feeling to be sat on these projects which I have funded or invested money into whilst I still wait for the units to sell and the more the financial worries come into my mind the more I focus more and more and more on making it work which leads me to where I am currently - Not really writing much but I am making it my goal to rehearse 1/2 times a week and so my musical output is a more physical sense rather than a creative one. All that said an done is perfectly acceptable and I'm happy to finally be focusing on the live side of my work as I reach out to venues and look for gigs but in terms of the socials? it means there's not really much to post about. However, I do have some archive audio/demos and what not so Ile look at putting them out in the near future.
One area I have found myself venture into recently in connection to the train simulator products is writing trailer music which there have been 2 instances, my own DLC product and another from a developer of another game who came to me directly so Ile post those pieces of music very soon (as I finish typing this)
but yeah, soon, soon.
I feel like I am at the cusp of a break (for once in my life) so positive thoughts, perseverance and keep focused