multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter in the north west UK, aspiring to be a professional full time musician

Dane @daneforth

Age 31, Male

Musician, producer

Baxenden, Lancashire UK

Joined on 9/18/20

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Good evening one and all!

What a weird time of the year it is, so much has been going on behind the scenes and, frankly, I do enjoy writing out these blog/update posts - I've said it once, ile say it again, I just find it therapeutic!

A little while back I started uploading some new demo tracks, forgive me for not remembering exact dates and numbers but, from memory, I uploaded 3/4? not sure. Well something has happened this month that I didn't plan for, nor that I made it a goal, I just found myself actually WANTING to involve myself more creatively and thats been really eye opening. I know you probably read this news thread title and have questions, hold fire on that front, all in good time.

So my in real life schedule has been up and down as I have had to adapt on the fly to keep my head above water, I spoke about last time the lack of validation and that has never been more true to form as my experiment with my approach to handling my life has proven that to be nothing but the truth. You see, working as a third party content creator for Train Simulator Classic (yeah i know im a nerd, just suck it in xD) the process in which I have made my own content and all the other contributions to other projects works on a validation of money via percentage of sales.

Problem being:

1. you actually have to invest 6 months of work into a project before its finished.

2. even when the product is on sale, you get paid monthly if your lucky, but mostly, its the first month after the first month on sales, so there's another 2.5/3 month extension.

3. even after that point you have zero idea on the number of sales, meaning, come the time to get paid it could be way below expectations

I've had the pleasure of many conversations over several coffee's at AkioDaku's, where I have said its a cause of mental derailment (no train pun intended, though I will take it) as, there is no connection with validation, people say well done, great job! but then no money follows it. So over the last few months, since mid December I believe, I decided to incorporate commissions into my work AND! impose a stricter window of time on my day to day's where I work and dont work, lets say - 10am - 6pm, then focus on me time. Frankly, I'm shocked it worked so far, this means without dedicated thought I have found a guitar in my hand.

Now, back to the point!

It is way, way, way to early to start making promises, or defining anything precisely BUT, more and more demo's have been made, a new song has been written, alongside tid bits of lyrics and general notes. Overarching concepts, meanings, thoughts and pretty much everything in between has been put down - pen to paper. At this point a list was made and I called it Album 2023, on it, there are 8 demos, 4 of which are nearly complete along with other much shorter demo's around the PC that I want to use.

What can i say so far?

well, i certainly feel these are some of my best ideas to date, they are strong, melodies I have are good, Im personally shocked at some of the lyrics on paper (though they may not stay the same) and the overall tone of these bits of work is a lot more gritty than Moonlight was/is but the theme of the album in my head is one of much greater colour and positivity

So, is there a new album on the way?

you know what?, yeah its in production, lets not beat around the bush

The working title for the album so far is: Together

it follows themes of separation anxiety and the damage of not working together

The stratocasters will be out of retirement, there are strong electric parts and strong acoustic parts and hey! who knows, I might get my partner in on the backing vocals

So yeah!, lots going on, many writing sessions taking place, lots of ideas and life flow happening, i just wish i can keep the pace up and see if i can beat the 4 year production window Moonlight took to make

Thats all for now, keep an eye out for some new demos being uploaded and ile catch you all soon


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